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#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#>  dplyr     1.1.4      readr     2.1.5
#>  forcats   1.0.0      stringr   1.5.1
#>  ggplot2   3.5.0      tibble    3.2.1
#>  lubridate 1.9.3      tidyr     1.3.1
#>  purrr     1.0.2     
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#>  dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#>  dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#>  Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
# This data on CRAN packages is pre-loaded in longpca. It was downloaded in February 2024.  
#> # A tibble: 20,319 × 17
#>    Package  Version Priority Depends Imports LinkingTo Suggests Enhances License
#>    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <chr>    <chr>    <chr>  
#>  1 A3       1.0.0   NA       R (>= … NA      NA        randomF… NA       GPL (>…
#>  2 AalenJo… 1.0     NA       NA      NA      NA        knitr, … NA       GPL (>…
#>  3 AATtools 0.0.2   NA       R (>= … magrit… NA        NA       NA       GPL-3  
#>  4 ABACUS   1.0.0   NA       R (>= … ggplot… NA        rmarkdo… NA       GPL-3  
#>  5 abasequ… 0.1.0   NA       NA      NA      NA        NA       NA       GPL-3  
#>  6 abbrevi… 0.1     NA       NA      NA      NA        testtha… NA       GPL-3  
#>  7 abc      2.2.1   NA       R (>= … NA      NA        NA       NA       GPL (>…
#>  8 1.0     NA       R (>= … NA      NA        NA       NA       GPL (>…
#>  9 ABC.RAP  0.9.0   NA       R (>= … graphi… NA        knitr, … NA       GPL-3  
#> 10 ABCanal… 1.2.1   NA       R (>= … plotrix NA        NA       NA       GPL-3  
#> # ℹ 20,309 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: License_is_FOSS <chr>, License_restricts_use <chr>,
#> #   OS_type <chr>, Archs <chr>, MD5sum <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>,
#> #   File <chr>, Repository <chr>

# You can download the most recent version in this fashion:
# all_packages = available.packages() |> as_tibble()
# if you download fresh data, the specific interpretations below are likely to not be sensible.  

all_packages |> select(Package, Imports)
#> # A tibble: 20,319 × 2
#>    Package       Imports                              
#>    <chr>         <chr>                                
#>  1 A3            NA                                   
#>  2 AalenJohansen NA                                   
#>  3 AATtools      magrittr, dplyr, doParallel, foreach 
#>  4 ABACUS        ggplot2 (>= 3.1.0), shiny (>= 1.3.1),
#>  5 abasequence   NA                                   
#>  6 abbreviate    NA                                   
#>  7 abc           NA                                   
#>  8      NA                                   
#>  9 ABC.RAP       graphics, stats, utils               
#> 10 ABCanalysis   plotrix                              
#> # ℹ 20,309 more rows

In particular, all_packages contains the “Imports-dependency-graph” (idg) as a comma separated string. The key function make_interaction_model has an argument parse_text that is built for studying document-term interactions and can easily extract this information:

# in make_interaction_model, the ... arguments go to tidytext::unnest_tokens for the text parsing.  In this case, we do not want to make the words lower case (because package names are case sensitive and that might be important later)
idg = make_interaction_model(all_packages,
                             parse_text = TRUE, 
                             to_lower = FALSE)
#> $row_universe
#> # A tibble: 20,319 × 3
#>    Package                n row_num
#>    <chr>              <int>   <int>
#>  1 Seurat                64       1
#>  2 tidyverse             60       2
#>  3          58       3
#>  4 radiant.model         58       4
#>  5 SSDM                  55       5
#>  6 BasketballAnalyzeR    53       6
#>  7 tRigon                49       7
#>  8 AFM                   48       8
#>  9 dextergui             48       9
#> 10 proteus               48      10
#> # ℹ 20,309 more rows
#> $column_universe
#> # A tibble: 6,230 × 4
#>    from_text token        n col_num
#>    <chr>     <chr>    <int>   <int>
#>  1 Imports   stats     5442       1
#>  2 Imports   utils     3423       2
#>  3 Imports   dplyr     3299       3
#>  4 Imports   methods   3210       4
#>  5 Imports   ggplot2   3135       5
#>  6 Imports   Rcpp      2548       6
#>  7 Imports   rlang     2172       7
#>  8 Imports   graphics  2158       8
#>  9 Imports   magrittr  1954       9
#> 10 Imports   stringr   1698      10
#> # ℹ 6,220 more rows

The $column_universe illustrate how make_interaction_model has parsed the variable Imports. There are 20319 “rows” and 6230 “columns”. The diagnose and pick_dim functions help us understand how pca might perform:

#> Warning in scale_y_log10(): log-10 transformation introduced
#> infinite values.
#> Warning: Removed 11 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).

#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   measurement     Package `from_text & token`
#>   <chr>             <dbl>               <dbl>
#> 1 number_of_items   20319                6230
#> 2 average_degree        6                  18
#> 3 median_degree         4                   2
#> 4 percent_le_1         29                  43
#> 5 percent_le_2         39                  58
#> 6 percent_le_3         48                  66

Recall that “degree” is the number of interactions a row or column has. Above, diagnose shows that this graph is very sparse; the median degrees are in the low single digits. However, we still expect to be able to detect some signal because in the plots we see that there are lots of Packages with degree over 10 (i.e. more than dependencies). The other histogram illustrates the power law degree (the top of the bins roughly follow a straight line down on the log-log scale). So, there are lots of packages being imported by over 100 other packages, and a handful of packages being imported by over 1000.

How many dimensions/PCs should we compute? This number is often denoted by k. I have multiple competing thoughts/heuristics that might be useful for you. I think…

  1. there is very rarely a “true value” of k and so, typically, discussions that presume a true value fruitless.
  2. the true value of k could be considered as n (the number of rows or columns) and also, past a certain point, the dimensions cannot be recovered because they are overcome by noise. So, there might be a reasonable discussion of “the largest reasonable choice of k”.
  3. you do not need to set k to be the largest reasonable choice of k. Some contexts might warrent this, but without more context, there is nothing bad about picking a smaller k that makes your interpretation tasks easier. Alternatively, maybe you are looking for a specific signal and it happens to be one of the first few PCs. All of this is very reasonable.
  4. folks might try picking a larger dimension that they would typically consider… there are often interesting dimensions past the first “gap” or “elbow”.

Built around the intuition in 2) above, we made “cross-validated eigenvalues” that you can access with the function pick_dim. Essentially, for each PC dimension, we test the null hypothesis that the uncovered PC is uncorrelated with any underlying signal. This requires “post-selection inference” for which we utilize cross-validation to get Z-scores and p-values for each dimension:

# eicv = pick_dim(idg, dimMax = 100)
# plot(eicv)
# eicv$estimated_dimension

The first insignificant p-value is the 64th. So, the code gives $estimated_dimension to be 63. However, even after 64, there are some significant p-values. The first negative Z-score happens at the 90th dimension. So, the decay to insignificance is slow and I am certain that there is signal after the 63rd dimension.

For ease of illustration, will proceed with k=11 dimensions. The first 10 Z-scores in eicv seem to be a bit larger than the rest.

pcs = pca(idg, k = 11)
#> # A tibble: 20,319 × 16
#>    Package     n row_num degree weighted_degree pc_01_rows pc_02_rows pc_03_rows
#>    <chr>   <int>   <int>  <int>           <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Seurat     64       1     64              64       3.84      1.51      -1.02 
#>  2 tidyve…    60       2     58              60       4.16     -4.21       1.49 
#>  3 radian…    58       3     57              58       3.95     -2.46      -1.00 
#>  4 radian…    58       4     57              58       3.70     -1.61       0.124
#>  5 SSDM       55       5     55              55       3.10      1.87       0.444
#>  6 Basket…    53       6     51              53       3.19      1.21      -0.571
#>  7 tRigon     49       7     46              49       3.16     -0.238     -1.02 
#>  8 AFM        48       8     43              48       3.26      1.60       0.104
#>  9 dexter…    48       9     45              48       3.76     -1.12      -1.05 
#> 10 proteus    48      10     44              48       3.47     -0.305      2.68 
#> # ℹ 20,309 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: pc_04_rows <dbl>, pc_05_rows <dbl>, pc_06_rows <dbl>,
#> #   pc_07_rows <dbl>, pc_08_rows <dbl>, pc_09_rows <dbl>, pc_10_rows <dbl>,
#> #   pc_11_rows <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 6,230 × 17
#>    from_text token        n col_num degree weighted_degree pc_01_columns
#>    <chr>     <chr>    <int>   <int>  <int>           <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 Imports   stats     5442       1   5442            5442         14.5 
#>  2 Imports   utils     3423       2   3423            3423         13.4 
#>  3 Imports   dplyr     3299       3   3299            3299         16.8 
#>  4 Imports   methods   3210       4   3210            3210         12.1 
#>  5 Imports   ggplot2   3135       5   3135            3135         14.4 
#>  6 Imports   Rcpp      2548       6   2548            2548          8.93
#>  7 Imports   rlang     2172       7   2172            2172         14.3 
#>  8 Imports   graphics  2158       8   2158            2158          9.29
#>  9 Imports   magrittr  1954       9   1954            1954         13.1 
#> 10 Imports   stringr   1698      10   1698            1698         12.3 
#> # ℹ 6,220 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: pc_02_columns <dbl>, pc_03_columns <dbl>,
#> #   pc_04_columns <dbl>, pc_05_columns <dbl>, pc_06_columns <dbl>,
#> #   pc_07_columns <dbl>, pc_08_columns <dbl>, pc_09_columns <dbl>,
#> #   pc_10_columns <dbl>, pc_11_columns <dbl>
streaks(pcs,mode = "rows",plot_columns = 1:11)

# streaks(pcs,mode = "columns",plot_columns = 1:11)

The function streaks makes a pairs plot of the pcs. Notice that these panels display “radial streaks”. If we rotate these PCs with Varimax, then perhaps these streaks will align with the coordinate axes. The function rotate will rotate both the rows and the column and return an object that is the same class as pcs (i.e. the class is pc).

spcs = rotate(pcs)
streaks(spcs, mode = "rows", plot_columns = 1:11)

streaks(spcs, mode = "cols", plot_columns = 1:11)

Indeed, rotate roughly aligns the streaks to the axes. So we expect each dimension to align with a meaningful concept or community within CRAN packages. The alignment isn’t perfect; some streaks are close to an axis, but not perfecty aligned. This is often a hint that k could/should be a bigger (something we already know from pick_dim above).

The row_features and column_features are scaled within each feature so that the average squared value is 1; the standard linear algebra custom is to define these so that their sum of squared values is 1. The benefit of the average is that you can imagine each axis above has a marginal SD of 1. So, the column_features have much much larger “outliers”; we will see below that these outliers are packages that are imported by hundreds or thousands of other packages. The maximum number of packages imported by another package is 64 by Seurat; tidyverse is second with 58 imports. This type of asymmetry (row vs column) is common and we will delve more into the meaning of this asymmetry below.

There are two things that we might do at this point. First, we could try to interpret what the 11 dimensions (on each row_feature and column_feature) “represents”… that is, we could try to interpret them. Alternatively, we might simply use them to start predicting something of interest. For example, we might see if these community labels are predictive/associated with the type of License that a package uses.

If the data source is familiar to you, then the simplest way to interpret each factor is to examine the largest element. The function top in longpca makes this easy. The first argument is your pc object; in this case we will use spcs. The second argument is the dimension that you wish to inspect. Let’s inspect the first dimension:

top(spcs, this_dim = 1)
#> $top_rows
#> # A tibble: 18 × 2
#>    Package      vpc_01_rows
#>    <chr>              <dbl>
#>  1 TOmicsVis           7.86
#>  2 RNAseqQC            6.89
#>  3 MOCHA               6.00
#>  4 CINNA               5.65
#>  5 bulkAnalyseR        5.57
#>  6 ggpicrust2          5.55
#>  7 MitoHEAR            5.43
#>  8 NeuralSens          5.24
#>  9 microbial           5.18
#> 10 rcmdcheck          -3.45
#> 11 blastula           -3.48
#> 12 learnr             -3.60
#> 13 dockerfiler        -3.67
#> 14 workflowr          -3.67
#> 15 rhub               -3.69
#> 16 usethis            -3.79
#> 17 packager           -3.97
#> 18 shiny              -4.56
#> $top_columns
#> # A tibble: 15 × 3
#>    from_text token      vpc_01_columns
#>    <chr>     <chr>               <dbl>
#>  1 Imports   dplyr               26.8 
#>  2 Imports   tidyr               23.8 
#>  3 Imports   tibble              20.5 
#>  4 Imports   purrr               19.8 
#>  5 Imports   magrittr            19.7 
#>  6 Imports   ggplot2             19.5 
#>  7 Imports   rlang               19.0 
#>  8 Imports   stringr             17.3 
#>  9 Imports   tidyselect          12.3 
#> 10 Imports   paradox             -3.02
#> 11 Imports   graphics            -3.52
#> 12 Imports   Rcpp                -3.71
#> 13 Imports   mlr3misc            -4.15
#> 14 Imports   htmltools           -4.80
#> 15 Imports   R6                  -5.39

When interpreting any dimension for this data, we expect that the top_columns will be far more coherent because the outliers are (1) very popular packages that are (2) often imported together. Roughly speaking, the top_rows are the packages that import a large number of the top_columns (you could Import 300 different packages and not be popular, but have a very large row_feature).

For the first dimension, many folks will notice that the positive elements in the top_columns correspond to some core packages of the tidyverse; they are all imported by thousands of other packages. There are also some negative pc values at the bottom. However, an important clue is that the positive pc outliers are far more substaintial than the negative pc outliers; so, we might say it is a one-sided factor. In my experience, one-sided factors are (1) easier to interpret and (2) more common when you choose a larger value of k and rotate your pca output. In one-sided factors, rotate should make the larger dimension the “positive” dimension.

In one-sided factors, I would not say that the negative elements “define” this dimension. Instead, they give some contextual clues about what the very large and positive elements are picking up. In this case, the negative pc values in $top_columns correspond to packages that are unlikely to be imported with tidyverse packages. So, if a package is importing a large number of tidyverse packages, it does not tend to call graphics or Rcpp orR6. There are loads of reasons why! Perhaps there are tidyverse alternatives (ggplot2) or they solve problems that folks in the tidyverse do not tend to emphasize (fast low level computation with Rcpp) or they correspond to stylistic coding choices that are not as popular within the tidyverse (R6). Whatever the reason, in one-sided factors, the negative elements do not tend to provide coherent additional meaning. Instead, they tell you about what folks in this community do not tend to use.

To my eye, the top_rows do not add to this interpretation. Instead, I would say that the large and positive elements build on a great number of tidyverse packages and the large negative elements are more “programming heavy packages” relying on packages outside the tidyverse; there is a very clear vibe (to me) and if this is also apparent to you as well, “Harvest the vibes, yo!” Of course, you do not need to believe my interpretation to use these dimensions in your workflow; “it is what it is” (i.e. no interpretation) can get you a long ways.

Interpreting the first dimension was relatively easy because the packages are so well know. In some sense, we didn’t need pca to tell us that the tidyverse is a thing. In my experience, we tend to learn more from dimensions that are harder to interpret. For these dimensions, we might need more tools to interpret them; these tools will help us (1) contextualize the dimension with additional data and (2) reveal how the dimension is related to the other dimensions.

top(spcs, 9)
#> $top_rows
#> # A tibble: 17 × 2
#>    Package            vpc_09_rows
#>    <chr>                    <dbl>
#>  1 tune                     14.2 
#>  2 workflowsets             12.7 
#>  3 tidymodels               12.7 
#>  4 tidyclust                11.9 
#>  5 probably                 11.3 
#>  6 stacks                   11.3 
#>  7 workflows                11.2 
#>  8 viruslearner             10.4 
#>  9 modeltime.resample       10.1 
#> 10 ptm                      -3.05
#> 11 RCriteo                  -3.09
#> 12 genBaRcode               -3.14
#> 13 PubMedWordcloud          -3.16
#> 14 qdap                     -3.21
#> 15 CINNA                    -3.31
#> 16 wilson                   -3.50
#> 17 hoardeR                  -3.69
#> $top_columns
#> # A tibble: 18 × 3
#>    from_text token        vpc_09_columns
#>    <chr>     <chr>                 <dbl>
#>  1 Imports   cli                   18.4 
#>  2 Imports   vctrs                 16.1 
#>  3 Imports   glue                  15.7 
#>  4 Imports   1.0.0                 14.1 
#>  5 Imports   rlang                 13.6 
#>  6 Imports   1.1.0                 12.8 
#>  7 Imports   lifecycle             12.8 
#>  8 Imports   withr                 11.4 
#>  9 Imports   1.2.0                 10.2 
#> 10 Imports   RCurl                 -6.19
#> 11 Imports   scales                -6.37
#> 12 Imports   XML                   -6.78
#> 13 Imports   grid                  -7.15
#> 14 Imports   RColorBrewer          -7.75
#> 15 Imports   gridExtra             -8.63
#> 16 Imports   plyr                 -10.4 
#> 17 Imports   ggplot2              -12.2 
#> 18 Imports   reshape2             -12.3
all_packages |> count(License) |> arrange(desc(n))
#> # A tibble: 160 × 2
#>    License                  n
#>    <chr>                <int>
#>  1 GPL-3                 4584
#>  2 MIT + file LICENSE    4216
#>  3 GPL (>= 2)            4179
#>  4 GPL-2                 2380
#>  5 GPL (>= 3)            1706
#>  6 GPL                    440
#>  7 GPL-2 | GPL-3          337
#>  8 CC0                    226
#>  9 LGPL-3                 155
#> 10 GPL-3 | file LICENSE   139
#> # ℹ 150 more rows

I’m going to presume that there are roughly 6 types of Licenses: GPL, MIT, CC, Apache, GNU, Other.

all_packages <- all_packages %>%
    GPL = ifelse(str_detect(License, "(GPL|GNU General Public License)"), TRUE, FALSE),
    MIT = ifelse(str_detect(License, "MIT"), TRUE, FALSE),
    CC = ifelse(str_detect(License, "CC BY"), TRUE, FALSE),
    Apache = ifelse(str_detect(License, "Apache"), TRUE, FALSE),
    GNU = ifelse(str_detect(License, "GNU"), TRUE, FALSE),
    # Assuming 'Other' should be TRUE if none of the above conditions are met
    Other = ifelse(!(GPL | MIT | CC | Apache | GNU), TRUE, FALSE)

We could use a packages spcs$row_features or spcs$column_features to predict the type of license that it uses. In this setting, a package’s row_features describes how a package chooses to Import other packages and the package’s column_features describes how other packages choose to Import it. Said another way, row_features depend upon things the package gets to choose and column_features are in some sense a measure of popularity.

data_selected = all_packages |> 
  left_join(spcs$column_features |>
              rename(Package = token) , by = "Package") |>
  left_join(spcs$row_features, by = "Package") |> 
  select(response = MIT, contains("vpc_"))

logistic_model <- glm(response ~ .-1, data = data_selected, family = binomial())
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> # A tibble: 22 × 5
#>    term           estimate std.error statistic  p.value
#>    <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 vpc_01_columns   0.403     0.0991      4.07 4.72e- 5
#>  2 vpc_02_columns  -1.67      0.186      -8.95 3.50e-19
#>  3 vpc_03_columns  -0.185     0.178      -1.04 3.00e- 1
#>  4 vpc_04_columns  -0.0621    0.0368     -1.69 9.13e- 2
#>  5 vpc_05_columns  -2.33      0.235      -9.90 4.27e-23
#>  6 vpc_06_columns   0.169     0.0626      2.71 6.76e- 3
#>  7 vpc_07_columns  -1.30      0.175      -7.42 1.19e-13
#>  8 vpc_08_columns   0.224     0.0706      3.18 1.48e- 3
#>  9 vpc_09_columns   0.585     0.0908      6.45 1.15e-10
#> 10 vpc_10_columns  -0.550     0.120      -4.56 5.00e- 6
#> # ℹ 12 more rows

all_packages |> count(License) |> arrange(desc(n)) all_packages |> select(License)

I want to mutate 5 new columns in all_packages (a boolean for each one)

# # bff should take two objects: (pcs, im)
# #  the rows of im should align with the rows or columns of pcs.
# text_im = make_interaction_model(~Imports * (Title & Description & License & Author),
#                                  tib = top_packages |> mutate(Imports = Package),
#                                  parse_text = TRUE)
# text_im2 = make_interaction_model(~Package * (Title & Description & License & Author),
#                                   tib = top_packages,
#                                   parse_text = TRUE)
# bb = bff(spcs, text_im) # defined below.
# bbb = bff(spcs, text_im2)
# View(bb)
# View(bbb)