This function computes graph summaries coreness, connected components, and personalized PageRank for an interaction_model. It adds these summaries to the row and column universes of the input interaction_model.
- im_input
An interaction_model object containing an interaction tibble, row universe, and column universe.
- row_key
The column name in the row universe that corresponds to the node names in the graph.
- col_key
The column name in the column universe that corresponds to the node names in the graph.
- tib_with_weights
A tibble containing node weights for personalized PageRank calculation.
The input interaction_model object with added graph summaries in the row and column universes.
im = make_interaction_model(all_packages, ~Package*Imports, parse_text = TRUE, to_lower = FALSE)
row_key = "Package"
col_key = "token"
tib_with_weights = all_packages |> dplyr::mutate(weights = nchar(Package)) |> dplyr::select(Package, weights)
add_graph_summaries(im, row_key, col_key, tib_with_weights)
#> Error in add_graph_summaries(im, row_key, col_key, tib_with_weights): object 'im' not found